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The Evolving Role of Digital Health:

Perspectives from Immunology Health Leaders

Sponsored by UCB

Published in June 2021, First Report Managed Care teamed up with UCB Pharmaceuticals to showcase the expertise of 7 immunology health leaders in regards to the changing field of digital health.

First Report Managed Care (FRMC) is a print and digital resource that provides the latest clinical data, health economics research and cost analyses, and legislative, regulatory, and policy updates affecting health care delivery.

UCB is focused on creating valuable solutions that make improvements to the lives of people living with neurological and autoimmune conditions now and into the future.

The story was featured in the June 2021 edition of FRMC and as a custom webpage on HMP Global’s website with interactive properties, such as rollover hovers for each expert contributor. The print version included a full-page infographic with a diagram of each expert’s organization featuring their own unique policies.


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